Topic 7: Superpowers

Superpowers Role in International Decision-Making

Global economic and political power is controlled by a small number of players in the form of inter-governmental organizations (IGOs).   UN - Political Prevents war and decides on international disputes and developed wide range of specialist agencies.   NATO -...

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The Environmental and Social Implications of the Rise of the BRICS

  Positive Negative Environmental ·         Increased profits could lead to research in greener technology ·         Pollution from manufacturing ·         Deforestation in Brazil due to cattle ranching demand in western markets and China ·         Rural to urban...

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Winners vs. Losers

Africa Cannot experience growth without political stability which contributes to 2% of global trade (2007). Only trade is oil and minerals extracting, not manufacturing. Africa needs trade to allow them to own their own resources and trade equally. 7% growth vital to...

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Emerging Superpowers

Past Superpowers Existing Superpowers Emerging Superpowers Russia/ USSR British Empire USA Roman Empire USA- hegemon (ruling state) Germany EU BRICS South Korea Mexico United Arab Emirates     Measures of Power Oil rich, manufacturing base, IT services,...

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Forces Indirectly Controlling Peripheral Areas like Ghana

Commodity Traders ·         Commodity traders in London and New York decide the price of cocoa and buy for large companies like Cadbury’s ·         Buyers trade in future markets for best price ·         Other countries also produce cocoa, so buyers will go to the...

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Theories Explaining Growth of Superpowers

Modernisation Theory A theory proposed to explain the dominance of the British Empire and the USA according to their history of industrial modernization. It relates to five different stages of economic development. Assumes all countries follow the same development...

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What is a Super Power? Superpowers are states or organisations with a dominant position in the international system. They can influence events in their own interests and project power on a worldwide scale to protect their interests.   Attributes of a Superpower...

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How Did USA and USSR Become Superpowers?

USSR Industrial strength, 2nd largest economy, military strength and harsh authoritarian regime to increase economic production.   USA World’s largest economy and had resources such as steel production, oil fields, coalfields, grain and arable areas and east west...

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What Legacies Did Communism Leave When USSR Broke Down?

The Collapse of the USSR (1991) They used a command style of government through the idea of communism. This was because in 1987 there was the development of perestroika and glasnost. PERESTROIKA -this is relaxed economic controls allowing businesses to sell their...

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Russia as a Super Power Again?

Significant reserves of oil and gas is adding to global power. Developed export partnerships to the east and west. Russia depends on Europe buying 80% of oil exports, but USA is a keen buyer and China’s demand for oil is growing. Power explained when in 2006 Russia...

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·         Why is there conflict between Russia and Ukraine? Ukraine aims for a pro-European and anti-Russian nation with a government that is focused on membership with NATO and EU. In the USSR, countries received cheap gas but because the USSR is now broken up and so...

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International Organisations

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) The focus of the IMF is to stabilise currencies and it was first brought about following the economic crisis of the Depression and World War II. Initially, the wealthiest countries created a fund that could be used to loan money...

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Large, youthful population with the possibility to grow. World class industry (quaternary) - IT. Poor infrastructure.   The Impacts on the Old Cores Ageing populations are an issue in the EU, Japan, Russia and China. In contrast, USA, Brazil and India have much more...

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Superpower Futures

The Rise of BRIC’s BRICs -Brazil, Russia, India and China. They are all emerging superpowers, and some argue that China is already a superpower. The economic growth includes the benefits of reducing the number of people living in poverty, an increase in the size of...

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