Emerging Superpowers

Past Superpowers Existing Superpowers Emerging Superpowers
Russia/ USSR

British Empire


Roman Empire

USA- hegemon (ruling state)




South Korea


United Arab Emirates



Measures of Power

  • Oil rich, manufacturing base, IT services, infrastructure, export processing zones, employment structure, tourism, global service hub, political maturity, political influence and innovative technology.
  • Different countries display some of these characteristics and types of power.

Factors that Lead to Superpower Status

  • Demographic ‘power’- market size and pool of skilled labour.
  • Cultural power is a result of globalisation, shown by the USA.
  • Political influence in international relations at the IMF, UN, WTO, G8 etc.
  • Economic wealth and power, possibly a result of trade and the wealth this brings- related to trade blocs or TNCs.
  • Power can also be seen as stemming from research and development, new technology, patents and royalties. Also, having resources other people want.
  • Military power- naval and nuclear give a country a global reach.

Neo Colonialism

  • Where a country controls other country overseas related to dependency theory.
  • The core indirectly controls peripheral regions, although they are supposedly independent.



  • Gained independence from British rule in 1957, but have they got true freedom?
  • GNP increased from $5.7 billion to $14.9.
  • Still depends on decisions made by the world’s most wealthy nations.
  • The best paid and managerial jobs were held by the British.
  • Ghana’s crops and minerals were exported to British in a raw state, so Britain. processed them and added the value.