The Environmental and Social Implications of the Rise of the BRICS

  Positive Negative
Environmental ·         Increased profits could lead to research in greener technology ·         Pollution from manufacturing

·         Deforestation in Brazil due to cattle ranching demand in western markets and China

·         Rural to urban migration leads to growth of slum Rochina in Rio

·         Over population and pressure on marginal land

Social ·         Increased growth rates and rise of middle class

·         More jobs from more consumption

·         Increase in health care

·         Reduction of poverty

·         Greater divide between rich and poor increased disparity and inequality (Gini Coefficient)

·         Loss of culture due to cultural imperialism and Americanisation

·         Obesity due to western imported food


BRIC Consumer Benefits from Economic Growth

  • GDP per capita rise, and high purchasing power where standards of living improve, and higher demand for goods
  • High consumer spending, potential room for growth
  • Increased domestic consumption, promoting further job creation and reducing its dependency on exports.



  • Obesity in the developing world can be seen as a result of changes in diet, physical activity, health and nutrition, “nutrition transition”.
  • Cities offer a greater range of food choices at cheaper prices.
  • Urban work requires less physical activity and more women work away from home, less time to cook healthy meals.


Environmental Issues in China

  • Rapid industrialisation and government have recognised the problem and harden environmental regulations.
  • Some subsidies to polluting industries were cancelled, and some were shut down.
  • Clean energy technology was promoted.
  • Polluting industries continued to have access to inexpensive land, water, electricity, oil and bank loans.