A Level

Further Mechanics

Name Definition Formulae                                                                         MOMENTUM Momentum Impulse Change in momentum Newton’s second Law if  if  if  Conservation of momentum The total momentum before a collision is the same as total momentum...

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Waves and Particle Nature of Light

Name Definition Note Mechanical wave Wave require medium to travel through Electromagnetic wave Require no medium to travel through Longitudinal Waves Has oscillations that are parallel to the direction of movement of the wave energy (Vibrations of the particles...

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Electric and Magnetic Field

Name Definition Formulae Notes                                                                           ELECTROSTATICS Radial field Coulomb’s Law Forces between two charges obey an inverse Electric field A region where a charged particle experience a force Electric...

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Nuclear and Particles Physics

Name  Definition Notes Nucleon/ mass number Number of nucleons in the nucleus Proton/ atomic number Number of protons in the nucleus Thermionic Emission A metal is heated Free electron gain KE KE > Φ the electron escape from the metal surface (how charged particles...

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Name                                   Definition Formulae Specific heat capacity The amount of heat energy required to change the temperature of a unit mass of a substance by a unit temperature Specific latent heat The amount of heat energy required per unit mass of...

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  Name                                       Definition Note                                                                      STELLAR PARALLAX Intensity/ Flux Stellar Parallax The apparent shift in the position of a nearby star, relative to more distant ones,...

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Nuclear Radiation

Name                                  Definition Formulae                                                                 NUCLEAR DECAY Nuclear decay Randomly: It is unpredictable which nucleus will decay next and when it decays Spontaneous: the rate of decay cannot...

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Name                                 Definition   Formulae                                                             GRAVITATIONAL FIELDS Gravitational fields A gravitational field is caused by mass & it affects mass Gravitational field lines show the direction...

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Name Definition Note                                                                 SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION Simple harmonic motion Occurs when there is a force always act toward equilibrium point and the force is directly proportional to the displacement from...

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  Name                                                 Definition    Formulae                                                                              LIQUIDS Upthrust The upthrust on an object in a fluid =the weight of the fluid displaced by the object...

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Electric Circuit

Name                                                 Definition Formulae                                                                            ELECTRICITY Electron-volt  Energy transferred when an electron moves through a potential difference of one volt Motion...

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Name                                           Definition    Formulae                                                                          STATIC  Centre of mass The point from which all the mass of the object appears to act Centre of gravity The point from which...

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