Unit 3- Cellular Energetics

Photosynthesis vs. Cellular Respiration

Similarities Photosynthesis -  Electrons are sent to the ETC for the light-dependent reactions using a carrier -  Existence of a proton gradient in the thylakoid space that passes through ATP Synthase to make ATP -  Similar electron carriers Cellular Respiration - ...

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Lactic Acid Fermentation

Pyruvate directly reduced by NADH Result: NAD+ regeneration & ATP       Waste: lactate (no CO2) In animals, lactic acid often transported to the liver to be turned into pyruvate when there is enough ATP Fermentation vs Anaerobic vs Aerobic Diff: methods of...

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Allows glycolysis to proceed when there is no oxygen → produces organic molecules, including alcohol and lactic acid, as waste products. Goal: To replenish NAD+, so glycolysis can make ATP (w/o oxygen) Uses substrate-level-phosphorylation Makes 2 ATP (less but...

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Transfers energy from electrons that move down it thru electron carriers that alternate between reduced and oxidized → released energy used to establish an electrochemical gradient of protons (H+) across the inner mitochondrial membrane                             ...

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Occurs in the mitochondrial matrix; cytosol of prokaryotes Begins when 2-carbon Acetyl CoA combines with 4-carbon OAA (oxaloacetate) to form citrate                                    Citrate functions as inhibitor of glycolysis Result: 2 CO2 molecules produced 6 NADH...

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Process that breaks down glucose and releases energy to form: 2 Pyruvate (stores potential energy) Pyruvate is acidic 2 (net) ATP (from ADP) NADH (from NAD+) Inorganic phosphate 2 Stages Energy Investment: invests 2 ATP to get glycolysis started Energy Payoff: creates...

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