Unit 7- Natural Selection


“Evolutionary history of a species” Determined through fossils, homologous structures, morphology, & molecular biology Taxonomy: classification of organisms; organisms are classified into categories called taxa Hierarchical Classification Each taxon more inclusive...

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Species Concept Biological species concept: species is a group of populations that can breed and produce viable offspring Defined by reproductive isolation and gene flow; basis for understanding macroevo. Morphological species concept: distinguishes a species by body...

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Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium

When the allele frequencies in a population remain constant from generation to generation, the population is said to be in genetic equilibrium or Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium At genetic equilibrium, there is no evolution But allele representation in generations might...

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Sources of Variation

Genetic Variation: difference in DNA bases or sequences Genetic variation enables evolutionary responses to environmental change Evidence of genetic variation: diff genotypes or phenotypes Natural selection acts on variation among individuals in the population and...

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Natural Selection

Process in which individuals with certain inherited characteristics are more likely to survive in an environment, reproduce and pass on those traits → traits have selective advantage Environment is the main force behind natural selection → controls which traits are...

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Review Basic idea: “Descent with modification, change in genetic composition over time from generation to generation” Specific: the process by which frequency of heritable traits in population changes from one generation to the next A population is evolving if their...

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