A Level>Notes>Researching and understanding social inequalities

Understanding social inequalities: gender

Gender and Life Chances Used by Max Weber in relation to social class Describes the opportunities for advancement than individual or social group possess Includes chances for educational attainment, health, material reward and social mobility Education is often...

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Patterns and trends in Gender inequality and difference

Public sphere of work and social life and in private sphere of family life and relationships, males and females often encounter different experiences These can translate into social inequalities Men have reported wishing to spend more time with their children but...

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Understanding social inequalities: Ethnicity

Ethnicity and Life Chances According to office for national statistics (2014) the white ethnic group accounted for 86% of UK population in 2011, meaning that ethnic minorities in UK made up roughly 14% of total population Ethnic minorities are a diverse group of...

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Patterns and trends in ethnicity inequality and difference

Ethnic Inequalities in Work and Employment Proportion on men aged 16 to 64 who were unemployed was highest in other black – 17% - white and black Caribbean – 16% - Caribbean – 17% ethnic minorities Highest rates of unemployment for woman were in Arab – 64%, Bangladesh...

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Understanding social inequalities: Age

Age and Life Chances Aging is physical or biological process that all human’s beings experience Most societies age is divided into – childhood, youth, young adulthood, middle age and old age They have different social meanings attached to them with regard to social...

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Patterns and trends in age inequality and difference

Covert Participant Observation – Moore Dressed up as an old person over a period of 3 years to find out what it would be like to be perceived as old She used latex wrinkles, makeup, a wig and clothing Her findings were that assumptions were made about her perceived...

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Research Methods and Researching Social Inequalities

Key Research Concept Validity Valid data is data which is a true picture of what is being studied To achieve validity, sociologists should always ask whether the data collected is really evidence of what it claims to be Validity is difficult to achieve, particularly...

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What is the relationship between theory and methods

A theory is a model or framework which shapes what researchers expect to see and how sociologists interpret data or evidence that they collect Methods are the tools that sociologists use to collect data about how the social world is organised, how people behave, and...

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What are the main stages in the research process?

Factors Influencing the Choice of Research Topic The Relationship between Sociology and Social Policy Social policy refers to attempts by governments to influence how society is organised and how members of society should behave by bringing in new laws, guidelines and...

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Methods used in sociological research

Social Surveys Involves the systematic collection of mainly quantitative data from a fairly large number of people Social surveys usually obtain this information through questions or structured interviews Longitudinal Surveys Longitudinal studies gather data from a...

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