A Level>Notes>Debates in contemporary society>Crime and deviance

How are Crime and Deviance Defined and Measured?

Definitions Crime = refers to activities that break the law of a particular country – legal activities Deviance = behaviour that is different from the normal expectations of a society and which is usually viewed as wrong or bad All crime is deviance but not all...

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What are the patterns and trends in crime?

Police recorded crime increased throughout most of the 1980s and then fell each year from 1992 to 1997. Changes in the crime counting rules led to a rise in police recorded crime in 2002 but there was a near continual decline in crime between 2004 and 2014, except for...

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How can crime and deviance be explained?

Theoretical views of crime and deviance Functionalism Functionalists argue that crime and deviance can only be explained by looking at the way societies are organised socially — their social structures — and that crime is caused by society rather than being the...

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How can crime and deviance be reduced?

Left-wing social policy and crime Structural changes in society Structural changes are recommended mainly by left realists, who suggest that the economic system that makes up modern capitalist societies needs to be radically overhauled, otherwise it is only the...

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