The Relationship between the Exchange Rate and the Interest Rate

The Relationship between the Exchange Rate and the Interest Rate

  • If the UK’s exchange rate rises, export prices in terms of foreign currencies will rise
    • Demand for exports will therefore fall, reducing AD
    • This lower AD will reduce inflationary pressure
    • This lower inflationary pressure could mean that the MPC will reduce the interest rate.
  • A reduction in the UK’s interest rate is likely to reduce the exchange rate
    • This is because a lower interest rate will reduce the return on money kept in UK financial institutions
    • This is likely to cause an outflow of funds to other countries, to take advantage of higher interest rates
    • This will mean more of the currency is being sold, and this increased supply will lower the exchange rate.
  • This relationship is not always true though.
    • A cut in the rate of interest in the UK could make foreigners more confident about the prospect of UK economic growth
    • They will then want to put money in UK financial institutions, increasing the demand and increasing the exchange rate.