The Elasticity of Supply of Labour

The Elasticity of Supply of Labour

  • The extent to which the supply of labour changes as a result of a change in the wage rate is measured by the elasticity of supply of labour:
    • Elasticity of Supply of labour = (%change in the quantity of labour supplied)/(%change in wage rate)
  • The factors that influence elasticity of supply of labour are:
    • The qualifications and skills required
      • The supply of skilled workers is more inelastic than unskilled
    • The length of training
      • The longer training takes, the more inelastic supply will be.
    • The immobility of labour
      • The easier that workers find it to move from one area to another, the more elastic supply will be.
    • The time period
      • Supply will be more elastic with the longer the time period involved
      • g. a rise in the wage rate of barristers won’t have much of an impact in the short-run, but in the long-run, it will adjust, as students will want to study law, and do the necessary training.