Shifts in the Aggregate Supply Curve

Shifts in the Aggregate Supply Curve

  • A change in AS means that the total output that producers are willing to supply at any given price level alters
  • An increase in AS means an increase in the productive capacity of the economy
  • The main causes of this in the short run are changes in the costs of production
    • If wages and costs of raw materials decreased, AS would increase
  • In the long run, the two main causes of shifts in the AS cause are
    • Changes in the quantity of resources.
    • Changes in the quality of resources
  • These causes can be further broken down by examining how the quantity and quality of particular resources can be affected
    • Land
      • Quantity – Discovering new oil fields or resource mines
      • Quality – Cultivating farm land
    • Labour
      • Quantity – Increase population/immigration.
      • Quality – Training, better education – increase in productivity
    • Capital
      • Quantity – Buying new capital goods, i.e. net investment
      • Quality – Advances in technology
    • Enterprise
      • Quantity – Reduce regulation would allow more entrepreneurs to enter the market, e.g. privatisation
      • Quality – Improving education