

  • Demand is what consumers want
  • However, what consumers want and what they demand are not the same thing for two reasons
    • Wants are unlimited. We would always like to consume more or consume things we aspire to e.g. Rolex watches
    • Demand is that to consume a product, customers must have the ability to pay.
    • They must be able to afford what they demand
  • The distinction can be made clear between wants and demand with the introduction of the terms notional and effective demand. The former being like wants.


  • The definition of demand – effective demand – assumes that all other factors that affect the demand of the product don’t change
    • e. any changes in the quantity demanded are due to the price of the product alone.
    • This is referred to as ceteris paribus
  • As defined, the quantity demanded must be time related in the sense that it needs to be specified over a day, week, etc.
  • If sales for holidays were for a given week, then the quantity demanded would clearly be lower than for annual sales.