A Change in Supply due to a Change in Non-Price Factors

A Change in Supply due to a Change in Non-Price Factors

  • Costs or production, size and nature of the industry, government policy and other uncontrollable factors can result in the change in supply of a product
  • This means that a different quantity is now being supplied at the same price
  • When this occurs, the supply curve is being shifted to either the left or the right
  • There are 2 possibilities:
    • An increase in supply, meaning that more will be supplied at the same price
      • g. tax reduction or technological advance – shift to the right
    • A decrease in supply, where less of a product is being supplied at the same price
    • g. increased tax or a more expensive factor of production – shift to the left
    • A change in supply must not be confused with a change in the quantity supplied, which is due to the price of the product alone