Rate Constants and Temperature

Temperature Increase: As temperature increases, rate increases and the value of rate constant k
increases. This is due to two factors…
 Kinetic Energy: As temperature increases, particles move faster and collide more frequently.
 Activation Energy: Increasing temperature shifts Boltzmann distribution to right, increasing
proportion of particles that exceed activation energy Ea. Change in rate mainly determined by Ea.
 Arrhenius Equation: This the exponential form of equation.
k = Ae-Ea/ RT
R = gas constant = 8.314 J mol-1 K-1
. T in Kelvin.
 e
-Ea/ RT
, Exponential Factor: The exponential factor represents proportion of molecules that
exceed Ea for reaction to take place.
 A, Pre- Exponential Factor: Pre- exponential factor or frequency factor is the frequency of
collisions with correct orientation. A is a constant giving the rate if no activation energy.
 Logarithmic Form of Arrhenius Equation: ln k = –
+ lnA.
 Gives negative gradient straight line graph. Y = mx + c.
= x
 –
= gradient = dy/ dx. lnA = y intercept. Put ln k on y axis and 1/ T on x axis.
 Sub T into 1/T and k into lnk.
 Pick two points to work out gradient and use this to work out activation energy by multiplying by
R, 8.314. May need to divide by something else such as 10-3 depending on units.
 If need extend graph to find y intercept. lnA = 25 use inverse e25 = A.
 If axis does not start at 0, cannot always extend line of best fit to find y intercept or other points
outside range of data. Instead once know gradient of line, substitute in values to find unknown
ln A.