Carboxylic Acids Derivatives

Carboxylic Acid Derivatives: A derivative of carboxylic acid is a compound that can be
hydrolysed to form the parent carboxylic acid. Esters, acyl chlorides, acid anhydrides and amides
are derivatives of carboxylic acid. All carboxylic acid derivatives contain acyl group- see below.
 Esters: An ester is named after the parent carboxylic acid from which it is derived, but instead of
–oic acid, replace with –oate for ester. Also the alkyl chain attached to O of COO group, goes in
front. Ester colourless, sweet smelling liquid.
 Will be seen as R COOC R.

Acyl Chloride: An acyl chloride named after the parent carboxylic acid from which it is derived.
Remove the –oic acid for –oyl chloride.
 Acid Anhydrides: Acid anhydride is formed by removal of water from two
carboxylic acid molecules.