Transport in Animals Transport – the movement of substances such as oxygen, nutrients, hormones, waste and heat around the body Three factors influence the need for transport systems: Size Surface area/volume ratio Level of metabolic activity Features of a good...
Module 3: Exchange and Transport
Transport in Plants #2
Transport in Plants Plants need a transport system to: Move water and minerals from the roots up to the leaves Move sugars from the leaves to the rest of the plant The Vascular Tissues Water and soluble mineral ions travel upwards in the xylem tissue Assimilates such...
Exchange Surfaces
Exchange Surfaces For exchange to be effective: The surface area of an organism must be large compared with its volume. Thin exchange surface to give a short diffusion pathway Partially permeable to allow selected materials to cross Movement of the environmental...
Transport in Animals
Transport in Animals (a) explain the need for transport systems in multicellular animals in terms of size, level of activity and surface area: volume ratio (b) explain the meaning of the terms: (c) explain the meaning of the terms: d) describe, with the aid of...
Transport in Plants
Transport in Plants (a) explain the need for transport systems in multicellular plants in terms of size and surface area: volume ratio Multicellular plants have a small surface area: volume ratio so diffusion would be too slow to provide necessary substances like...