B7: Further Biology

B7.5 New technologies

B7.5 New technologies The features of bacteria that make them ideal for industrial and genetic processes include: Rapid reproduction Presence of plasmids – circular DNA molecules that can be transferred easily between bacteria Simple biochemistry – easy to understand...

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B7.4 What can we learn from natural ecosystems?

B7.4 What can we learn from natural ecosystems? In a perfect closed loop system no material enter or leave the system – waste products from one organism or process are used by another organism or process – the output from one part of the system becomes the input to...

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B7.3 Peak performance – energy balance

B7.3 Peak performance – energy balance Homeostasis is the maintenance of a constant internal environment – it is achieved by balancing bodily inputs and outputs, while removing waste products. In order to maintain a constant body temperature, the heat produced within...

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B7.2 Peak performance – circulation

B7.2 Peak performance – circulation The HEART is a muscular organ in the circulatory system. It beats automatically, pumping blood around the body to provide cells with oxygen and dissolved food for RESPIRATION. Humans – and all other mammals – have a double...

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B7.1 Peak performance – movement and exercise

B7.1 Peak performance – movement and exercise Vertebrates are animals that have an internal skeleton – those that do not have an internal skeleton are called invertebrates. In humans and other vertebrates, the skeleton has two functions: Support – the skeleton enables...

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