B2: Keeping Healthy

B2.4 How do our bodies keep a healthy water balance?

B2.4 How do our bodies keep a healthy water balance? HOMEOSTATIS is the maintenance of a constant internal environment – It is achieved by balancing bodily inputs and outputs, using the NERVOUS SYSTEM and HORMONES to control the process. Examples if things that the...

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B2.3 What factors increase the risk of heart disease?

B2.3 What factors increase the risk of heart disease?   The HEART is a muscular organ in the circulatory system. It beats automatically, pumping blood around the body to provide cells with oxygen and dissolved food for RESPIRATION. The blood removes carbon...

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B2.1 How do our bodies resist infection?

B2.1 How do our bodies resist infection? MICROORGANISMS are organisms that are too small to see with the naked eye. They include BACTERIA, VIRUSES and FUNGI. They can be beneficial to us (e.g. the bacteria that live in our intestines can produce certain vitamins) or...

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