Topic 3: Globalisation


Globalisation is the process by which businesses or other organisations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale. Another definition defines globalisation as the growing economic interdependence of countries worldwide through...

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How Globalisation Works

Those who make decisions to invest and manufacture overseas, and who help to determine consumer tastes and opinions, come mainly from North America, Europe, and East Asia, as well as oil-rich billionaire investors from Russia, Nigeria, and Saudi Arabia. China, India,...

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Ghana’s Cocoa Trade – Case Study

During colonial times, when it was ruled by Britain, Ghana was the world's largest producer of coca. The British government set the price that Ghanaian farmers would receive. Since independence in 1957, three factors now dictate global cocoa prices. Commodity traders....

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Vietnam Calling – Case Study

Agreeing to WTO rules can help countries to forge new trade links. In 2014-15, the EU and ASEAN negotiated new trade deals. One of the largest took place in August 2015 with Vietnam. It removed all import duties and quotas on items traded between EU countries and...

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Cotton in Guatemala – Case Study

In the 1980s, 75% of Guatemala's cotton crop was exported. The income generated was used to buy pesticides, machines, and equipment for future crops. However, if Guatemala had processed its raw cotton into finished clothes, and then exported these instead, its export...

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