Sea Level Rise Result in Coastlines of Submergence

  • Rias:
  • Formed where river valleys are partially submerged.
  • Gentle, long- and cross-profiles.
  • Wide and deep at their mouth.
  • Fjords:
  • Drowned glacial valleys rather than drowned river valleys.
  • Straight and narrow with steep sides.
  • Shallow mouth formed by deposition of material.
  • Dalmatian coasts:
  • In areas where valleys lie parallel to the coast, an increase in sea level forms a dalmatian coastline.
  • Valleys are flooded, leaving islands parallel to the coastline.
  • Processes create and alter landforms and landscapes over time:
  • Individual landforms combine to form landscapes.
  • Processes operating in coastal systems can create new landforms or change existing landforms:
  • A change in one factor can lead to changes in others.
  • Relict landforms can still experience coastal processes.
  • Coastal landscapes are therefore often made up of a mixture of active and relict landforms that reflect different periods of change.
  • Changes occur over a range of spatial scales and temporal scales.