How Successfully are Cultural and Demographic Issues Managed?

Measuring Management Techniques

  • The success of economic management can be assessed using measures of:
  • Income and employment.
  • Different areas can then be compared by looking at the variations within each measure.
  • This will track what management techniques are in place and how successful they are. Further analysis involves why management has worked and how well it would work elsewhere.
  • Social progress can be measured by looking at the reductions in inequalities between and within areas.
  • Social progress can be measured through scores within the multiple deprivation index and in demographic changes which can result in life expectancy improvements, population growth and reductions in health deprivation.
  • Assimilation of different cultures can be measured by levels of political engagement measured through voter turnout and whether migrants chose to vote, the number of cultural features you could tally places of worship, different food cuisines, languages on leaflets, the development of local community groups and reductions in ‘hate’ crime and racism.


Urban Changes and Stakeholders

  • You need to study the contesting ways in which different demographic and ethnic groups view an urban living space and the impact of national and local strategies in resolving issues within your chosen area.
  • For example, Aik Saath meaning ‘as one/ side by side’ in Hindi, Punjabi and Urdu in Slough is a charity focused on integrating people from all communities, faiths and backgrounds to encourage conflict resolution and community cohesion.
  • This is achieved through training, campaigns and projects and was set up to stop gang violence and ‘hate’ crime amongst young people from Asian backgrounds. The charity works in schools, colleges, universities and local events to reach a wide audience and create a social identity.
  • Changes in the local area can be judged using economic, social, demographic and environmental variable in an urban area. This can be collected through observing census data, online statistics and taking surveys.
  • Stakeholders can involve local/national governments, local businesses and residents and will have contrasting opinions on the success of schemes.
  • Their views will be shaped depending on their lived experience and attachment to the area and whether the identity of the area is similar or changed from how they wanted it.


Rural Changes and Stakeholders

  • You will need to study the contrasting ways in which demographic and ethnic groups view a rural living space and the impact of national and local strategies. This can then be compared to your urban area research.
  • For instance, there is the ‘Lake District Rural Revival Partnerships’ aimed at developing land management and diversification, developing opportunities to create social awareness, investigating the ways young people can be involved and have their skills developed, working together to create a greener environment and ensuring mobile coverage and Wi-Fi service for communities to keep in close contact.