Energy security is a key goal for countries, with most relying on fossil fuels

Energy Security
Energy security refers to the uninterrupted availability of energy sources at an affordable price.
The following four aspects of energy security must be stressed:
– It is usually elevated at a NATIONAL LEVEL; so countries are either energy secure or not.
– There are four important factors to the supply side:
– It requires an accurate picture of FUTURE ENERGY DEMANDS.
– The most energy secure will be able to meet all or most of their energy needs from WITHIN THEIR BOUNDARIES.
It has many aspects, for example:
– Long-term energy security: Timely investments to supply energy in line with economic developments & environmental needs.
– Short-term energy security: Availability of the energy system to react promptly to sudden changes in the balance between energy demand and energy supply.


Consumption of Energy
The consumption of energy is constantly increasing as a result of development, rising living standards and population growth.
Consumption is a function of demand – the greater the demand, the higher the consumption
But other factors also influence the amount of consumption.


Consumption of Energy
The consumption of energy is constantly increasing as a result of development, rising living standards and population growth.
Consumption is a function of demand – the greater the demand, the higher the consumption
But other factors also influence the amount of consumption.


Energy Players
There are a number of key players involved with roles in securing energy pathways & supplies. This often results in geopolitical issues.
ENERGY PATHWAY: This describes the flow of energy between a producer and a consumer, e.g. pipeline, transmission lines, shipping and rail.