Energy + Diet


Carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and alcohol all contain energy: used to be measured in calories; the SI unit is the Joule.

  • Average person requires 8,000-10,000 kilojoules per day.

Dietary Reference Values encourage balanced & healthy diets and indicate the amount of energy derived from different foods.

The basal metabolic rate (BMR) varies between individuals.

  • BMR is higher in males and people who are younger, heavier or more active.

The body mass index (BMI) doesn’t have an exact correlation to each individuals fat levels thus it isn’t very accurate.

  • Normal range is around 20. Less than this is underweight and over 30, obese.

Waist – to – hip ratio is a better measure of obesity b/c has a continuous positive correlation against diseased groups.

Larger W – T – H ratio = more likely to get a heart attack


20% of the population are obese – excess dietary fat and inactivity are likely causes.

Obesity increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, Type II diabetes, raises B.P and raises lipid levels.