5.7.12- Possible disadvantages of exercising too much (wear and tear on joints, suppression of the immune system) and exercising too little (increased risk of obesity, CHD and diabetes)



 A moderate level of exercise improves health & well-being.

However, over-training can result in  the opposite effect. This is the phenomenon known as “burn-out”



Positive effects of exercise include;


  1. Increased BMR
  2. Decreased blood pressure
  3. Increased HDL
  4. Decreased LDL
  5. Maintaining healthy BMI
  6. Decreased risk of diabetes
  7. Increased bone density
  8. Improved well being
  9. Decreased adrenaline levels
  10. Less stress
  11. Decreased risk of CHD
  12. Moderate exercise increases levels of Natural Killer cells, which secrete apoptosis-inducing chemicals in response to non-specific viral or cancerous threat

Negative effects of exercise (over-training) include;


  1. Decreased levels of Natural Killer Cells, Phagoctyes and B & T Cells. This decreses immune
  2. Increased muscle inflammation
  3. Muscle tears and sprains
  4. Increased adrenaline levels
  5. Increased cortisol levels, which also decreases the immune response
  6. Increased stress
  7. Damaged cartilage
  8. Tendinitis
  9. Ligament damage
  10. Swollen bursae.