Qualitative Analysis

Qualitative Analysis:


The process of identification of cations and anions is called qualitative analysis or salt analysis. We identify which cations (positive ions) are present in a salt by using aqueous sodium hydroxide, and aqueous ammonia. For cation identification, learn the following table.


Sodium Hydroxide solution, NaOH (aq) Aqueous Ammonia, NH3 (aq)
Observations on adding

  1. a few drops of NaOH
  2. excess NaOH
Observations on adding

  1. a few drops of NH3
  2. excess NH3
  1. a white precipitate is formed
  2. the precipitate dissolves in excess to give a colourless solution
  1. a white precipitate is formed
  2. precipitate insoluble in excess
  1. white ppt formed
  2. ppt insoluble in excess
  1. no ppt
  2. no ppt
  1. white ppt formed
  2. ppt dissolves in excess to give a colorless solution
  1. white ppt formed
  2. ppt dissolves in excess to give a colorless solution
  1. light blue ppt
  2. ppt insoluble
  1. light blue ppt
  2. ppt dissolves in excess to give a deep blue solution
  1. green ppt
  2. ppt insoluble
  1. green ppt
  2. ppt insoluble
  1. reddish-brown ppt
  2. ppt insoluble
  1. reddish-brown ppt
  2. ppt insoluble
  1. no ppt is formed
  2. On heating, ammonia gas is given off. Ammonia turns moist red litmus paper blue.
No reaction



To identify anions, learn these reactions:


CO32- (carbonate):

Test: add dilute hydrochloric acid. Pass the gas given off into limewater.

Observation: effervescence is observed. Gas given off forms a white ppt with lime water. Carbon dioxide gas is given off.


Cl (chloride):

Test: add dilute nitric acid, then add silver nitrate solution.

Observation: a white ppt of silver chloride is formed.


I (iodide):

Test: add dilute nitric acid, then add silver nitrate solution

Observation: a yellow ppt of silver iodide is formed.


NO3 (nitrate):

Test: add dilute sodium hydroxide. Then add a piece of aluminium foil. Warm the mixture. Test the gas given off with a piece of moist red litmus paper.

Observation: the moist red litmus paper turns blue. Ammonia gas is given off.


SO42- (sulphate):

Test: add dilute nitric acid, then add barium nitrate solution.

Observation: a white ppt of barium sulphate is formed.