Production of Caustic Soda

Production of Caustic Soda


Caustic Soda – a common name of sodium hydroxide. The electrolysis of a concentrated sodium chloride solution (brine) produces three products: hydrogen, caustic soda and chlorine.

The Membrane Cell method – the membrane is permeable to cations so only the sodium ions can flow through and the hydroxide ions cannot flow back to the anode. The membrade is a porous, thin, flexible sheet.


Anode: 2Cl- -> Cl2 + 2e- Cathode: 2H2O + 2e- -> 2OH- + H2
  • At the cathode, Hydroxide ions are formed (produced together with the hydrogen)
  • As the sodium ions move towards the cathode, a solution of sodium hydroxide is thereby formed
  • The water molecules are reduced at the cathode
  • The sodium ions are not reduced and apart from moving through membrane do not change
  • Chlorine is used in PVC and in water
  • Sodium Hydroxide is used in pulp and paper, and