8.4 Identification of ions and gases

8.4 Identification of ions and gases


Aqueous cations:

Test Ion Result
Add a few drops of dilute sodium hydroxide

solution. A precipitate will form.

Cu2+ Pale blue precipitate
Fe2+ Green precipitate
Fe3+ Red-Brown precipitate
Al3+, Zn2+, Ca2+ White precipitate
Divide the solutions into two equal volumes.

To one, add double the volume of sodium hydroxide solution. To the other, add double the volume of aqueous ammonia.

Al3+ The precipitate dissolves again in sodium

hydroxide solution giving a colourless solution but not in excess ammonia solution

Zn2+ Precipitate dissolves in both solutions,

giving a colourless solution.

Ca2+ Dissolves in neither.
Take a small amount of the solid or solution.

Add a little dilute sodium hydroxide solution and heat gently.

NH +


Ammonia gas given off (it has a strong

sharp smell and turns red litmus blue)



Test Ion Result
Take    a    small   amount    of    the

solid/solution. Add a little dilute hydrochloric acid.

Carbonate Carbon dioxide gas is produced so

there are bubbles and limewater goes milky

Take a small amount of the solution.

Add an equal volume of dilute nitric acid. Then add silver nitrate solution. Silver halides are insoluble, so a precipitate forms.

Chloride White precipitate
Iodide Yellow
Take a small amount of the solution.

Add a little sodium hydroxide solution. Add aluminium foil and heat gently.

Nitrate Ammonia gas given off
Take a small amount of the solution.

Add an equal volume of dilute hydrochloric acid. Then add barium nitrate solution. Barium sulphate is insoluble so…

Sulphate White precipitate (barium  sulphate)



Test Gas Result
Smell gas, use indicator paper. Ammonia Recognizable odour, indicator paper

turns blue

It  is  a weak  acid,  so  reacts with

calcium hydroxide (lime water) to form insoluble calcium carbonate

Carbon Dioxide white precipitate, solution goes milky
Green    poisonous    gas     which

bleaches dyes. Hold damp indicator paper in the gas (in a fume cupboard).

Chlorine Indicator paper turns white.
Collect in a tube then put a lighted

splint to it.

Hydrogen Squeaky pop
Collect in a tube then put a glowing

splint to it.

Oxygen Splint immediately bursts into a flame