1 Organisms must do work to stay alive. The energy input necessary for this work is either light, for photosynthesis, or the chemical potential energy of organic molecules. Work includes anabolic reactions, active transport and movement. Some organisms, such as...
IGCSE>Notes>12. Respiration|A-Level>Notes
Anaerobic respiration – Ethanol and Lactate pathways
Anaerobic respiration is a type of respiration that does not use oxygen. It is used when there is not enough oxygen for aerobic respiration. In the absence of free oxygen: Oxidative phosphorylation cannot take place, as there is nothing to accept the electrons and...
ATP yield in aerobic and anaerobic respiration
Aerobic respiration, Link reaction
The link reaction In the link reaction, pyruvate enters the matrix of a mitochondrion and is: • decarboxylated: CO2 is removed from the pyruvate and then diffuses out of the mitochondrion and out of the cell. • dehydrogenated: Hydrogen is removed from the pyruvate,...
Respiration, Glycolysis
Respiration is the oxidation of energy-containing organic molecules. The energy released from this process is used to combine ADP with inorganic phosphate to make ATP. All cells obtain useable energy through respiration. Most cells use carbohydrate, usually glucose,...