13 Photosynthesis

Summary of Photosynthesis

4 ATP and reduced NADP are the two main products of the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis, and they then pass to the light-independent reactions. 5 In the light-independent reactions, carbon dioxide is trapped by combination with a 5C compound, RuBP, which...

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Limiting factors in photosynthesis

Usually, only one of these factors will be the limiting factor in a plant at a certain time. This is the factor which is the furthest from its optimum level at a particular point in time. If we change the limiting factor the rate of photosynthesis will change but...

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The light-dependent reactions, Photophosphorilation

Chlorophyll molecules in photosystern I (PSI) and photosystern II (PSII) absorb light energy. The energy excites electrons, raising their energy level so that they leave the chlorophyll. The chlorophyll is said to be photo-activated. PSII contains an enzyme that...

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Photosynthetic Pigments

  An absorption spectrum is a graph showing the percentage of light absorbed by pigments, for each wavelength of light. An example is the absorption spectrum of chlorophyll a and b.  The best absorption is seen with violet-blue light.  There is also good...

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