The New Media in Contemporary Society

New Media
Refers to:
Screen based dig. Computer based tech. used for distribution and consumption | New tech involves tech. convergence – single device combines various media technologies | Companies communicate to millions simultaneously across multiple devices.
Impact: Blurring boundaries between pleasure and working | Cultural convergence. | Geographical Proximity never been more irrelevant.
Features of New Media
Technological convergence has changed the way in which media is consumed | With consumer needs driving the media content. | Lister suggests features distinguish new media from old.
Where data converted into binary code | Stored and distributed by screen based product.
Decline in passive consumption | Jenkins suggests participatory culture – producers and consumers interact | Consumers produce content which producers incorporate into texts | Collective Intel vast info. at disposal across globe – alt. source from media owners | WEB 2.0 combines such features.
Links which form web of connections to other bits of info. | Give users way of searching/interacting and customising media for own use.
Media must adapt to individual choice – internet used for shopping/entertainment/social networks | Production also dispersed – blogs entertainment and news sources | 100hrs of You Tube content uploaded every minute.
Immerse in unreal interactive experience | e.g. video/com. games. | Imaginary identities – social media.
Who Uses New Media
Statistics: Internet 14hrs a week per person | 80% of UK households have internet access | 48% of adults have social network profile | 45% of peoples waking hours spent using media and communication services.
Effect on Traditional Media: Difficult competing with internet for an income | Many newspapers have websites.
Stratification in New Media

Users of new media not homogenous | Stratification in cyberspace. | Jones suggests patterns in internet access and use reflect inequalities in society.
Blank – 91% of those with HE used internet compared to 43% with no formal education. – ‘Inequalities of the material world often replicated in cyberspace’.
Social Class Inequalities
Of those who are not online 65% are in bottom two social classes.
Helsper: Low educated/unemployed lacked skills to fully engage with content – at risk of communication poverty as internet is necessity
Upper middle class: more likely on contract – More access outside the home | have different social media – use ‘LinkedIn’ compared to W/C using Twitter.

Age Differences
Young people socialised with new media – take it for granted and consume more
Ofcom Statistics: Young people compared to old more likely to –

  • Use a smart phone – 66% of smartphone users 16-24 – 68% use them for the internet.
  • 16-24 see it as pastime/entertainment – older groups for research.
  • 40% of all young people would miss phone – more attached.

Gender Differences
Ofcom: More females reported as ‘high addiction’ to mobiles and send and receive more texts. | Men spend 3 times as much time watching videos and higher users on consoles and tablets.
Li and Kirkup: Global gender based cultures – men more likely to have positive attitude towards internet | Men more confident about computers – seen as male dominated skill | Men less likely to use internet for studying | Found women more likely to use web as a tool.
Location and Global Digital Divide
Digital underclass – information rich and poor | internet dominated by west | 85% of websites in English – generated by west and Europe | Creates new inequalities – exclusion from media.
Effects of New Media and Technology on Traditional Media

Synergy: Occurs as new and traditional interact with each other – e.g. printed newspapers and websites | Decline in newspaper sales compared to web traffic and TV channels.
Changes in Traditional Media
Technology Cheap/accessible and internet based | Expands live coverage – mobile footage.
Citizen Input New media used to form content of trad./mainstream media | Online criticism given commentary in mainstream reports | Online criticisms of mainstream news output.
Effects of Changes on Traditional Media
Shift in Trad. News Flows: Cit. J increase in quantity and flow of news | Trad. media can no longer control flow of info – less time to process news.
Heightened Accountability: Cit. J makes companies accountable for bias or distorted content – aware of accountability – use interactive websites to offer interactivity – e.g. comment sections.
Evolving News Values: Competitive market – give impression of world coverage | New media provides instantaneous and intimate coverage | Values change – using unprofessional footage.
Reduced Power of Ownership, Agenda Setting, Shift form ‘Top Down Control’ to ‘Cultural Chaos’
Top down control replaced with ‘cultural chaos’ | More diversity | Balance of power shifted | undermined influence of media owners.
Philo: Suggests agenda setting tells us what not to think about however – Cit. J shapes trad. news agendas | Online reports potentially viewed by huge audiences – canny afford to be ignored by trad. media-
BBC Dep. Editor: ‘Blogsphere had immediate impact on newsnights running order.
Bivins: However elite groups adapting – radical critiques rare on mainstream. despite being popular online.
Rise of Churnalism and Infotainment
Consequence of cost cutting by media owners and attempts to attract audiences and advertisers – coupled with time pressures of 24/7 news.
Changing Relationships With Media and Audiences
Forces accountability on trad. media | More responsive in way content is delivered – SMS/Twitter | Everything available at all times – suited to all audiences.