Crime and Prevention and Control

Situational crime prevention

Pre-emptive approach that relies on reducing opportunities for crime. Target hardening means reshaping the environment to design crime out of an area. Underlying SCP is a rational choice theory; the idea that criminals act rationally, weighing up risks and rewards. However, this may lead to displacing crimes. This approach may explain opportunistic petty street crime but not white-collar crime, CC or SC. However, sometimes this approach does more than just displacing crime or deviance e.g. changing from coal gas to less toxic natural gas reduced total suicides-not just those from gassing.

Environmental crime prevention

Wilson and Kelling- Broken Window Thesis- need to be dealt with straight away to prevent more crime/damage to the environment.

Social and community crime prevention

Rather than emphasising on policing, these strategies emphasise dealing with social conditions that predispose some individuals to future crimes. Poverty increases crime therefore social policies may have a prevention role e.g. full employment policy.