
Personality Types and Stress

Friedman and Rosenhan Type A personality (competitive and outgoing) are more likely to develop CHD than type B (relaxed and expressive 12yr study of 3500 middle aged men, who were interviewed about how they react to certain situations their motivation for success and...

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Hardiness Personality

Kobassa and Maddi Hardy people benefit from stressful situations. They see themselves as being in control of their lives, have good commitment, a strong sense of purpose and see life challenges as problems to overcome, as well as seeing change as an opportunity for...

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Dealing With Stress – Biologicallly

drugs Benzodiazepines Enhance body’s GABA which calms neural activity by allowing more negatively charged ions into our neurons reducing their sensitivity to neurotransmitters. Khan – BZ support 250pps using BZ’s over 8 weeks and found that they were significantly...

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Dealing With Stress – Cognitive

Stress Inoculation Training Form of CBT that is used to identify positive ways to think about a problem. Conceptualisation – identify stressors and their response Skill acquisition and rehearsal – coping skills taught Application and follow through – apply learned...

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Dealing With Stress – Hardiness Training

Focusing – taught to identify signs and sources of stress Reliving and reconstructing – relive stressful encounters and helped to analyse these situations enabling to gain an understanding of stressors and coping strategies Self-improvement – allow them to move...

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Acute and Chronic Stress

The sympathetic-adrenomedullary system – acute stress Hypothalamus activates the sympathetic nervous system which stimulates the adrenal medulla that releases adrenaline and noradrenaline creating a fight or flight response to the body The...

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Stress and Immunosupression

Cohen Natural experiment were 349pps answered questionnaires and were given stress scores. They were then exposed to a low dose of the common cold virus through a nasal spray. 82% of participants developed a cold and the chances of doing so were seen to be...

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Workplace Stress

Too much or too little work, a difficult home-work balance, noise, heat and lack of control all increase stress in the workplace. Johansson Compared 14 finishers to 10 starters in a Swedish saw mill using urine samples to test adrenaline and noradrenaline levels....

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Life Change Events and Stress

Holmes and Rahe Developed SRRS by taking 43 life events from 5000 patient records before the onset of chronic illness and asked 100 independent judges to rate the events from 1 to 100 with marriage set at 50. LCU’s came from these scores averaged out. Rahe Gave the...

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Daily Hassles and Stress

DeLongis 100pps asked to fill out 4 questionnaires a month for a year asking about daily hassles, uplifts, life events and health. He found that daily hassles positively correlated with ill health, not uplifts or life events. evaluation Retrospective data Use of...

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