
The Working Memory Model

- Baddeley and Hitch felt that the STM was not just one store, but a number of different stores - This is because if you do two things at once and they are both visual tasks you don’t perform as well as if you did them separately - But, if you do two things at once...

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Explanations for Forgetting: Inference

- Forgetting is the loss of the ability to recall or recognise something they have previously learned INTERFERENCE THEORY - Interference is an explanation of forgetting as one memory disrupts the ability to recall another. - As the two pieces of information conflict...

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Explanations for Forgetting: Retrieval Failure

- Forgetting in LTM is mainly due to retrieval failure and a lack of accessibility rather than availability - This is the failure to find an item of information because you have insufficient clues or cues RETRIEVAL FAILURE THEORY - This is forgetting due to...

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Improving the Accuracy of Eyewitness Testimony

- Although eyewitness testimony may lack accuracy EWT is still vital to the police and courts - So, psychologists have been looking into how to improve EWT, one of the ways being the cognitive interview THE COGNITIVE INTERVIEW - Fisher and Geiselman (1992) argued that...

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Types of Long Term Memory

- In 1985 Endel Tulving realised that the MSM’s view of LTM was too simplistic and inflexible. - He proposed that there are three different LTM stores, containing different types of information. - He also divided these into two main types of memory: explicit or...

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The Multi Store Model of Memory

- A representation of how memory works based on three separate memory stores (sensory register, short term memory and long term memory) and how information is processed between these stores DESCRIPTION - Richard Atkinson and Richard Shiffrin (1968) presented the...

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Short Term and Long Term Memory

SHORT TERM MEMORY  - The limited capacity memory store - Your memory for immediate events - Memories disappear unless they are rehearsed - Capacity is between 5-9 items - Duration is between 18-30 seconds - Coding is mainly acoustic - Sometimes referred to as working...

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