
Split-brain Research and Hemispheric Lateralisation

Split brain research Sperry and Gazzaniga were the first to investigate hemispheric lateralisation with the use of split-brain patients Split-brain patients are individuals who have undergone surgical procedure where the corpus callosum (which connects the 2...

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Circadian Rhythm

One biological rhythm is the 24-hour circadian rhythm (often known as the ‘body clock’), which is reset by levels of light. The sleep-wake cycle is an example of a circadian rhythm, which dictates when humans and animals should be asleep and awake. Light provides the...

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Infradian and Ultradian

Infradian Rhythms- a type of biological rhythm with a frequency of less than one cycle in 24 hours- rhythms last longer than 24 hours (longest) SAD is an infradian rhythm Depressive disorder with a seasonal pattern SAD is an infradian rhythm called a circannual...

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Localisation of Function in the Brain

Brain is divided into 2 halves- left and right hemisphere Lateralisation: some physical and psychological functions are controlled by a particular hemisphere Generally, the left side of the body is controlled by the right hemisphere and the right the left Cerebral...

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Ways of Studying the Brain

fMRI- Functional magnetic resonance imaging detects changes in blood oxygenation and flow that occur due to neural activity in specific brain areas- when a brain area is more active it consumes more oxygen and blood flow is directed to the active area (haemodynamic...

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Explain the Process of Synaptic Transmission

Synaptic transmission is the process where an electrical impulse (action potential) passes across the synaptic gap. Electrical impulses reach the presynaptic terminal, which triggers the release of neurotransmitters, which then cross the synapse from vesicles, it is...

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The Endocrine System

Works alongside the nervous system Controls vitas functions in the body through hormones Slower than NS Network of glands across the body that secrete chemical messages- hormones Instead of using nerves (sensory and motor neurones) it uses blood vessels to transmit...

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Fight or Flight

A stressor is perceived The hypothalamus activates the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system ANS changes from its normal resting state to the physiologically aroused, sympathetic state Adrenal medulla (part of the adrenal gland) releases adrenaline into...

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Brain Plasticity

The brain is ‘plastic’- synaptic connections are formed and pruned Synaptic pruning During infancy brain experiences rapid growth- 15,000 age 2-3 (Gopnik et al) As we age rarely used connections are deleted and frequently used ones are strengthened- synaptic pruning-...

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Types and Functions of Neurones

  Transmit signals electrically and chemically Sensory Neurone Carry messages from the peripheral nervous system to the CNS- long dendrites, short axon Relay Neurones Connect sensory neurones to motor or other relay neurones, short dendrites and short axon Motor...

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Structure of a Neurone

Cell body Includes nucleus- genetic material of the cell Dendrites Branch-like structures, carry nerve impulses from neighbouring neurones towards the cell body Axon Carries electrical impulses away from the cell body, down the length of the neurone- covered in fatty...

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