
The Influence of Early Attachments on Later Relationships

- The major importance of attachment is the ability to form relationships with people other than the primary attachment figure INTERNAL WORKING MODEL - Bowlby’s concept of the internal working model is similar to a schema - Bowlby suggested that a child having their...

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Ainsworth’s Strange Situation

-The strange situation was developed by Mary Ainsworth in 1969. -The aim was to be able to observe key attachment behaviours as a means of assessing the quality of a child’s attachment to a caregiver. PROCEDURE - Controlled observation with a two-way mirror -...

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Cultural Variations in Attachment

- The Strange Situation procedure has had a profound impact within psychology - The procedure has been used in a variety of cultural settings to identify whether patterns of attachments appear to be universal or are subject to cultural influences. - However, child...

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Bowlby’s Theory of Maternal Deprivation

- John Bowlby proposed his theory of maternal deprivation in 1951 - He focused on the idea that the continual presence of nurture from a mother or mother-substitute is essential for normal psychological development of babies and toddlers both emotionally and...

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Romanian Orphan Studies: Effects of Institutionalisation

INSTITUTIONALISATION - Research into Maternal Deprivation has turned to institutionalised orphan studies as a means of studying the effects of deprivation. - Institutionalisation is the effect of institutional care as it can affect the development of children - The...

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Attachment Figures

-One of the concerns in research is who the infants become attached to PARENT-INFANT INTERACTION - Traditionally we have thought of in terms of mother-infant interaction. - Schaffer and Emerson (1964) found that the majority of babies did become attached to their...

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Stages of Attachment

SCHAFFER AND EMERSON (1964) -In 1964 Schaffer and Emerson aimed to investigate the formation of early attachments - In particular the age at which they developed, their emotional intensity and whom they were directed. PROCEDURE - 60 babies from Glasgow - the majority...

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Animal Studies of Attachment

- Animal studies are studies carried out on non-human animal species rather than on humans, either for ethical or practical reasons - They have looked at the formation of early bonds between non-human parents and their offspring - Attachment like behaviour is common...

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Explanations of Attachment: learning Theory

- One of the major approaches to understanding behaviour id the learning theory which proposes that certain behaviours are innate but most behaviours are learned through experience - Explanations for learning of behaviour include classical and operant conditioning...

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Explanations of Attachment: Bowlby’s Theory

- Bowlby rejected learning theory as an explanation of attachment - He looked at Lorenz’s and Harlow’s research and proposed an evolutionary explanation - He suggested that attachment was innate system that gave a survival advantage - Attachment means that young...

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Caregiver – Infant Interactions

- Infancy is the period of a child’s life before speech begins - Attachment begins with the interactions between infants and their caregivers - It is the responsiveness of the caregivers to the infant’s signals that have profound effects - One of the key interacts...

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