
Theory of Planned Behaviour

AO1 Ajzen (1989) proposed TPB to explain the cognitive factors that led to a person to engage in behaviour. It is a cognitive explanation which states that, according to this definition, an individual’s decision to engage in a particular behaviour can be directly...

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Types of Intervention

BIOLOGICAL INTERVENTIONS Drug substitution is a common treatment for addiction. Methadone is commonly used a drug substitute for a heroin addiction. Methadone is a synthetic drug widely used in the treatment of heroin addictions. It mimics the effects of Heroin but is...

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The Psychology of Addictive Behaviour

Introduction Addiction refers to a range of behaviours associated with a dependence on something. Tobacco dependence is the most common addiction, although it is a decreasing one in most developing countries. 12% of adults or 30% of 18- 24 year olds take illegal...

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Biological Model of Addictive Behaviour

The biological model emphasises the influence of biochemical and genetic factors on addictive behaviours. The Biological Model suggests people are addicted due to the physical dependence: the chemicals and biological reactions. SMOKING Initiation of a Smoking...

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The Learning Approach

GAMBLING Initiation of a Gambling Addiction Initially, the person may see others winning at gambling. Their expectations may then drive them to place their first bet, e.g. starting with the lottery or a small bet. Once started, the excitement is associated with the...

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The Cognitive Model

The cognitive model suggests you become addicted to a behaviour or substance because of the way we think. I.e. people choose their behaviour as they have free will, based on their own beliefs, opinions, values, expectations, etc. These are often but not always,...

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Risk Factors for Addiction

Personality The concept of an “addictive personality” is appealing because it can explain why some people become addicted when others don’t, despite them both having the same experiences. It can also explain why some people become addicted to a range of things, such...

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Media Influences on Addictive Behaviour

AO1 There has been research into film representation of addiction. Sulkunen (2007) analysed 61 scenes from 47 films displaying various forms of addiction. Films about drug-users such as Trainspotting (1996), American Beauty (1999) and Human Traffic (1999) presented...

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