
Naturalistic observation

Observation of behaviour in a natural setting, with no investigator interference

  • + High in ecological validity
  • + Used to generate ideas for experimental research / validate experimental findings
  • – No manipulation of variables = cannot infer cause+effect
  • – Lack of control = no replication
  • – Ethical problems = invasion of privacy

Controlled observation

Watching and recording behaviour within a structured environment to manipulate some variables

  • + Replication is easy as less extraneous variables
  • Cannot be applied to real life settings and low in ecological validity

Covert observation: Participants behaviour is watched and recorded without their knowledge or consent

Overt observation: Participants behaviour is watched and recorded with their knowledge and consent

Participant observation: The researcher becomes a member of the group whose behaviour he/she is watching and recording

Non-participant observation: The research remains outside of the group whose behaviour he/she is watching and recording