Gender Bias

  • Psychologists seek universality but bias may be inevitable
    • Social/historical contexts that they live in


  • Gender bias: psychological theory/research may not accurately represent the experience/behaviour of men and women


  • Alpha bias exaggerates differences, likely to devalue women
    • g. Freud argued that there are genuine psychological differences between men and women because of their physiological differences
      • Claimed young girls suffer from ‘penis envy’
      • Viewed femininity as a failed form of masculinity
  • Beta bias minimises differences, needs of women sometimes ignored
    • Fight or flight response research used a male only sample
      • Assumed findings would be applicable to females
      • Taylor et al (2000) discovered tend and befriend response instead
  • Androcentrism: male behaviour seen as normal, deviations seen as abnormal/inferior, female behaviour misunderstood/pathologized
    • Consequence of beta bias
    • g. many feminists object to PMS as it medicalises female emotions by explaining in hormonal terms
      • Male anger seen as rational response to external pressures (Brescoll and Uhlman 2008)
  • Problems in psych research
    • May create misleading assumptions/validate discriminatory practices
    • scientific justification to deny women opportunities (PMS)
    • Damaging consequences on lives/prospects
  • Promotes sexism in research process
    • Lack of women at senior research level = female concerns not reflected in research questions
    • Men more likely to be published
    • Female ppts in inequitable relationship with researcher: has power to label irrational/unable to complete tasks
    • Constitutional sexism that creates bias in theory/research


  • Feminist psychologists suggest how to avoid
    • Worrell and Remer (1992)
      • Should be studied within meaningful real-life contexts
      • Participate instead of being objects of study
      • Study diversity in groups of women rather than comparisons to men
      • Collaborative research methods that produce qualitative data
    • Preferable/less biased