Integrated coastal zone management (ICZM)

  • Idea began at UN Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992
  • Guidelines for ICZM set out in Agenda 21
  • Different authorities have since developed their own approaches to governance of coastal zones and integrated coastal management
  • ICZM aims for coordinated application of different policies affecting coastal zone and related to activities like nature protection, aquaculture, fisheries, agriculture, industry, tourism etc – it contributes to sustainable development of coastal zones by application of approach which respects limits of natural resources and ecosystems – ‘ecosystem-based approach’
  • European Commission ICZM framework background:
    • Coastal zones are some of most ecologically productive areas in the world
    • Natural assets of coasts have made them popular for settlements, tourism, business centres, ports
    • Around 200 million people live near Europe’s coastline
  • Concentration of people and economic activity at coast puts pressure on leading to loss of biodiversity, habitat destruction, pollution, human conflicts, overcrowding
  • ICZM was designed to integrate interests of everyone using the coastal area to avoid issues
  • Contribute to sustainability with ‘ecosystem-based approach’
  • ICZM operates in cycle to be effective