Dimensions of Sustainability

  • There are different dimensionsto sustainability, how sustainable a city is depending on its natural, physical, social and economic characteristics. Sustainable cities have a range of features:



  • Natural sustainability is about how the environment, resourcesand waste are managed.
  • Cities with a high level of natural sustainability rely on renewable energy
  • They produce relatively little waste,and reuse or recycle the waste they produce.
  • Cities where people walk, cycleand use public transport a lot produce less pollution, so they are more sustainable.


  • Physical sustainability is about how wella city is able to support the people living there.
  • To be sustainable, a city must provide enough resourcesto support the population and let them be productive have jobs.
  • Features of physically sustainable cities include plentiful high-quality housingand secure supplies of nutritious food, safe water and energy for all residents.



  • Social sustainability is about how people live together, their quality of life, and the availability of basic services,
  • Cities offer good living conditions for all residents with accessto basic services which includes hospitals, schools are within easy reach.
  • Socially sustainable cities are peaceful, tolerant, respect human rightsand are politically stable.



  • Economic sustainability is about maintaining economic growthwithout causing long-term negative effects including environmental damage, social inequality.
  • Cities with high levels of economic sustainability are wealthy,have low levels of inequality and little debt.
  • They are home to profitable, ethicalbusinesses that offer plenty of well-paid jobs.