Ionic Bonding

Ionic Bonding

  • Occurs between metals and non-metals
  • Involves transferal of electrons from metal atoms to non-metal atoms
  • Positive and negative ions are formed
  • Electrostatic attraction holds positive and negative ions together – this is an ionic bond
  • Always exist in a lattice structure


Property of ionic compounds Explanation
Do not conduct electricity when solid Ions are fixed in position by strong ionic bonds. When molten or dissolved in water, ions are free to move.
High melting/boiling points Giant lattice structure held together by strong electrostatic attraction between ions which requires lots of energy to break
Brittle and shatter easily Small displacement causes contact between ions of same charge which repel and structure shatters
Dissolve in water Polar water molecules pull ions away from lattice and cause it to dissolve


Sodium chloride is an example of an ionic crystal with the above properties. (A crystal is just a solid with a regular arrangement)


Definition of ionic bond: Electrostatic attraction between oppositely charged ions