

Reaction of hydrochloric acid and marble chips (see pg. 109) – You can use the gas syringe method to measure the rate of the reaction. Repeat the experiment with the same mass of chips but different sizes of them to change the surface area. – The smaller the surface area the faster the reaction. If you double the mass of the chips then the rate of reaction will be faster because there is more surface area therefore more collisions and more gas released.

Magnesium metal with dilute hydrochloric acid (see pg. 110) – (metal + acid = salt +hydrogen). You can use the change in mass method for this reaction or the gas syringe – measure the amount of hydrogen released. Repeat this method with higher concentrations of hydrochloric acid – the higher the concentration the faster the rate of reaction.  

Sodium thiosulfate and Hydrochloric acid (see pg. 111) – you can use the precipitation method for this experiment. Both the substances are clear but when mixed they produce a cloudy yellow precipitate of sulphur. Reaction can be repeated by the reactants separately at different temperatures. The higher the temperature the faster the reaction, this is because the particles gain more energy and therefore collide more.

The decomposition of hydrogen peroxide (see pg. 112) – Use gas syringe to measure the rate of reaction. Hydrogen peroxide decomposes over time – you can use a catalyst to speed its decomposition process. It gives off water and oxygen. (Remember the liver and H2O2  experiment)