Acids and Alkalis

Acids and Alkalis

pH scale

  • 0- 14 : Acids – 0-6          Neutral – 7          Alkalis – 8-14

Universal indicator

  • Red to yellow is acid green is neutral                blue to purple is alkali

Acids and alkalis neutralise each other

  • Acid (pH less than 7) in water creates H+ ions
  • A base (pH greater than 7)
  • An alkali is a base that can dissolve in water to create OH- ions
  • Acid + base = salt + water which in ion terms is:                H+ + OH- = H2O
  • Acid + base/ alkali neutralises (to make water

State symbols tell you the physical state of the substance

  • (s) is a solid
  • (l) is a liquid
  • (g) is a gas
  • (aq) is aqueous – means dissolved in water

Acids and metal

  • Acid + metal = salt + hydrogen
  • The more reactive the metal the faster the reaction it will and the more explosive
    • E.g. sodium very explosive – magnesium has a big pop – aluminium – zinc – iron – copper (doesn’t react at all with dilute acid so no pop)
    • The pop is when you test for hydrogen
  • Hydrochloric acid would produce chlorides
  • Sulphuric acid would produce sulphates
  • Nitric acid produces nitrates