Unit 2- Cell Structure and Function


What are Enzymes? Enzyme: globular catalytic protein All enzymes are catalysts, but not all catalysts are enzymes Catalyst: chemical agent that speeds up a reaction without being consumed by the reaction → can be used over and over again Do not affect the free energy...

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Principle molecule for storing and transferring energy for cell work and activation energy; converted by enzymes Structure Basically RNA adenine nucleotide with two more phosphates                                                      Nitrogenous base (adenine)...

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Free Energy Change

Free Energy: portion of systems energy that can perform work when temperature and pressure are uniform throughout (not heat) Formula ΔG= ΔH-TΔH ΔG= Free energy change ΔH = Enthalpy, change in total energy/heat content ΔS = Entropy, what's lost as heat Spontaneous...

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Concentration Gradients

The selective permeability of membranes allows for the formation of concentration gradients of solutes across the membrane Concentration Gradients: “Difference of concentration between two substances” Diffusion: movement of molecules so they spread out evenly Steeper...

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Membrane Transport

The Phospholipid Bilayer Cell membranes are asymmetrical bcuz the two sides of a cell membrane face different environments and carry out different functions The polar phosphate regions are oriented towards the aqueous external or internal environments The nonpolar...

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Cellular Organelles

Cell: basic functional unit of all living things bound by a plasma membrane Cytoplasm: contains organelles suspended in a fluid matrix (cytosol) which consists of water and dissolved substances like proteins and nutrients Organelles: Internal membrane bound bodies...

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