• The solubility of some salts is affected by the pH of the environment

Basic Solutions

  • High pH (more basic) → more OH- ions

        ○ Ex:

          ■ Increasing pH (adding OH-) → Q > Ksp → decreases solubility of the salt → solubility is less in a basic environment that in pure water

Acidic Solutions

  • Low pH (more acidic) environment → lots of hydronium ions (H3O+)

○ Ex:

                ■ Decreasing pH (adding H+) → Q < Ksp → increased solubility

  • Remember: if you have an equilibrium situation where adding more of something that isn’t in eq. equation, then likely that added thing will react with smthn in eq. equation
  • Ex:
  • Reaction as a result of adding hydronium      → shift in forward direction