
Kp: Use Kp with gases. Same as Kc but equilibrium constant in terms of partial pressure instead
of concentration. Products/ reactants. Balancing numbers is the power.

If asked to write Kp expression, no square brackets and remember p… Only include gases, omit
other states.

 Units for partial pressure are kPa, Pa (pascals) or atm (atmospheres). Have to be same units for
all in calculation.
 Moles of Gas: Under the same temperature and pressure, same volume of different gases, are
same moles.
 Mole fraction x(A) = number of moles A/ total number of moles in gas mixture
 Partial Pressure: In a gas mixture, the partial pressure of a gas is the contribution the gas makes
towards total pressure.
 Partial pressure p(A) = moles fraction A x total pressure
 Remember sum of partial pressure equals total pressure.
 An Example: An equilibrium mixture at 400C contains 18 mol of N2, 54 mol of H2 and 48 mol of
NH3. Total equilibrium pressure is 200 atm. Find Kp.
 Mole fractions- x(N2) = 18/ 120.
 Partial Pressure- p(N2) = 18/ 120 x 200 = 80 -> use this value in Kp.
 1 mol of carbon dioxide, 3 mole of hydrogen. At equilibrium, 0.86 mol of methanol produced at
pressure of kPa.
– Draw table like do with Kc and use molar ratio to find equilibrium moles of reactants.
– Find total equilibrium moles. Find mole fraction for each reactant and product.
– Multiply by total pressure- 500 kPa to find partial pressure for each reactant and product. Do
mole fraction x total pressure in one calculation – quicker.
– Sub this value into kPa.