What is Identity?

The Concept of Identity

Identity or the self refers to how se see yourself

Social identity = social expectations that society attaches to our status and which we attempt to live up too such as identity of a good student requires students work hard

Social identity is the sum of all the social expectations for a person

Shaped by agents of socialisation

Both personal and social which makes it different to others and emphasis our similarities

Personal identity refers to sense of self

Social identity refers to social rules and status that society assigns to people

During socialisation, we internalise all social expectations association with social rules, so we learn how to behave and adjust social identity such as students and friends

Positive and negative experiences have an impact on identity as they change through life such as being a beloved family member

Sociologist argue that identity is imposed onto you and fixed in relation to social factors such as Gender, Age and ethnicity

Others argue it is a more active and fluid process

Construct identity using media for ideas and deciding what we want to be so transferred individual into a social being whole identity outlook, motivated and desires are shaped by society

Personal identity is adapting values, practices, desires and moral outlook and choosing how to behave

Each person performs a cultural expectation attached to what society expects

Successful or unsuccessful performance of social rules can impact your personal identity

Collective identity refers to the process of identifying with a larger social group and experiencing a sense of belonging

Bradley identified 2 types;

  1. Ascribed identity is acquired involuntary via birth and socialisation
  2. Active identities are a matter of choice

Postmodern Sociologists

Claim people are now rejecting traditional sources of identity such as shaped by social class and ethnicity in favour of hybrid identities formed by choosing mis and match styles so influences wide range of media and global sources

Young people are choosing to construct unique identities which celebrate globalisation, cultural diversity, consumerism and individuality

Critics mainstream this argument is exaggerated and that the traditional influences on identity such as Ethnicity, religion, class, masculinity and feminity

Aspects of Identity

Cultural effect on how they see themselves and how others see them

Vary in importance for different individuals such as sexuality may be more significant part of the identity of someone who is homosexual

Intersect in different ways such as identity may have more significant for women than men as looking attractive is more important